Trả lời tỷ lệ thành công PEP của DRtan bs hàng đầu của singapore


blue sky


  • peterAPRIL 30, 2014

    Thanx doc for your wonderful website, i want to know i started taking PEP 14 hours after my condom breakage incident. What are my chances of contracting HIV? What are the chances PEP will be effective after 14 hours of exposure? i do not have herpes or ulcers or any other STDs. Thanks alot


    • drtanAPRIL 30, 2014

      The figure we give patients for PEP effectiveness is still 80% to 90%. This latest guideline seem to suggest that it is even more effective which is good. My experience has been similar with PEP working for my patients 99% of the time if started within 72 hours.



blue sky

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